Macro 1: A preprocessor ( precompiler), and the statements it processes, for Assembler. Early 1996 IBM took out a license which enabled it to sublicense the Macintosh operating systems to firms building Macintosh clones based on the PowerPC chip. IBM and Apple have various R & D agreements (see Apple). The Macintosh grew its market share on the strength of its user-friendly GUI and its strengths in DTP 1. Macintosh: Apple’s PC/workstation which is the only serious non-IBM office workstation. Machine Translation: IBM’s term for software-assisted translation between languages, such as English to Italian. IBM was consistently rumored to be using it as a kernel able to support OS/2 and AIX 1 (see PowerPC), and within Taligent’s projects. MACH: Unix-derivative operating system developed originally by Carnegie-Mellon University.

#Is there a queue emulator alternative for a powerpc mac code#
MAC 4: Message Authentication Code algorithm. Most widely used in reference to LANs, in which context IBM uses token passing, and Ethernet uses CSMA/CD. Generic term for the way in which workstations gain access to transmission media. MAAPICS: Alternate spelling, used in the UK, for MAPICS. M4K: Another name for the Common Storage Format (see CSF 2).